Hear From Our Wrangler, Georgia

“One of the things I most enjoy most is talking with our long-term injury clients on the phone” 

Georgia’s role is the Wrangler within the Response team. The main part of her role is to arrange the deliveries and collections of disability vehicles, and who will be doing these tasks. This means Georgia is often arranging things on the phone with clients. People with disabilities often use us for some time, or have repeated hires over the years, so Georgia really gets to know them and their family. She says: “It’s great to be updated on their achievements or what the family is up to”

Georgia has a strong background in the scouting movement. Her ‘be prepared” attitude is appreciated by all of the Freedom Team, and also by clients. We are especially grateful that she has a particular knack for explaining technical fixes or vehicle quirks on a phone call!

She says: “I am passionate about my job as I get to help people get back into the community doing the things they love.”


Georgia interview pic 768x1024 - Hear From Our Wrangler, Georgia